…by Rufus Wainwright. I met our all favorite Judy-Garland-impersonator when he played support for British whimperers Keane in Vienna a few years ago.
I deeply hate Keane (are they still existing anyway?) so I really really only got tickets to see Mr Wainwright doing his 30 minutes support set in the awful location Gasometer where you have the oppressive feeling to be locked in a full-concrete fall-out-shelter, Ahhhh!
After the appearance he announced he’ll be autographing cd’s, t-shirts, dicks and other stuff at the merchandise, so me and my then-boyfriend (I had to share his love for me with the one he had for Rufus at that time…) ran to the merch stand.
As I asked him if he would draw something tiny for my fanzine he didn’t seem very motivated, so he only did a simple stickman face and signed it. I was a little disappointed, but the next day when I observed it again, I realised this guy is a fucking genius.
You can turn the picture in every direction and it’s always a face with another expression:
Danke, Rufus and would you please come to play in Berlin quite soon, maybe before Christmas?