Sophia interviews HGICH.T

Last friday I met the band/performance group/dada family HGich.T from the city of Hamburg because they played one of their notorious gigs in Berlin’s White Trash Fastfood.
Before the show I asked them some of my well-proven silly questions, and yes, I deliberately ask the same questions over and over again, because first of all it’s simple questions that move mankind and second: The answer is always different!

The live show afterwards was insane and as I am not in my teens anymore and anxious about my health and holdings, I watched it from the balustrade and it looked like hell itself with a stomping beat, people flipping through the air and silhouettes of all kinds of things (unicorn balloons, wodden spoons, bras, whips, penisses) casting a shadow on the smoky background…

One bad picture was taken and look - there’s an undead person in the foreground…

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2 Antworten auf Sophia interviews HGICH.T

  1. Pingback: From Russia With Love#2/Quatsch With The Red Square | OH, SOPHIA…

  2. Pingback: Review: Die Antwoord - $ Them Kids Wanna Rave $ | OH,SOPHIA

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