To Russia With Love…

Uh, I am so excited. I fly to Moscow on monday.

With 11.55 million inhabitants it’s the biggest city in Europe.

I’ve been to Mexico City which has 8.8 million, but Moscow is even bigger!

I have never been in Russia before.

I expect everything and nothing, knowing about all the bad shit going on, still I am sooooo excited about the culture, the vibe of the city, the people, everything. There will be constant updates on this blog.

There’s a thousand stereotypes in my head.

And pictures.

Here are some.

Let’s see which will be disproved and which will be confirmed.


Listening to:

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Eine Antwort auf To Russia With Love…

  1. Viel Spaß! Russia is not so bad and not so scary as people in Europe think ;)

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